Regional Seminar Hamburg

23 June 2016, Empire Riverside Hotel, Hamburg

Please note that our next regional seminar will be held at the Empire Riverside Hotel in Hamburg on 23 June 2016. We are pleased to have as speaker Anthony Walters from ACCA who will be talking on the subject “Brexit Day – Quo Vadis Accountants?”. In particular, he will talk about Accessing the profession – what it means to be a professional and the value of professional qualifications in a global economy, the changing nature of the accountancy profession and the role of accountants in developing sustainable business practices (and the benefits to economies and society.

11:4512:15Coffee and Registration
12:1513:30Anthony WaltersACCABrexit Day – Quo Vadis Accountants?

AGiG reserves the right to change speakers, topics and timings without prior notice


23 June 2016


Empire Riverside Hotel
Bernhard-Nocht-Straße 97
20359 Hamburg

Payment Info:
members € 10 to be paid in cash at the door

or send an email to:

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