
David Stevens

Topic: Cyber enabled economic crime and ICAEW professional ethics

David is responsible for ICAEW ethics policy and guidance, as well as its work on economic crime.

He is secretary to the ICAEW Ethics Standards Committee and UK Consultative Committee of Accounting Bodies (CCAB) Ethics Group, making technical responses to IESBA on changes to the Code of Ethics for accountants, in addition to the production of articles, guidance and thought leadership.

He also manages ICAEW’s Anti Money Laundering Committee and CCAB Anti Money Laundering Working Party, making representations to the UK government on economic crime matters, as well as producing guidance and thought leadership in this area. 

With a background in financial training he has been lecturing on the subjects of Law, Ethics and Governance for almost 10 years, both in the UK and internationally in Europe and Asia. He trained with a Big4 firm.

He is a Director/Trustee of the UK Fraud Advisory Panel.

He represents IFAC at the Financial Action Task Force Private Sector Consultative Forum and represents the UK profession on the FEE Professional Ethics and Competences Working Party and FEE Anti Money Laundering Working Party.

He is a keen martial artist and trainee instructor.