Entries by Simon Kenyon

Search for a Financial Controller

We have been requested to post the following advertisement. If you are interested in the role, please do not contact the AGiG, but instead send an e-mail to Amal Omar-Barre (a.Omarbarre@messe.org).   CLOSERSTILL MEDIA GROUP Financial Controller   Background to CloserStill CloserStill Media runs market leading business exhibitions in the healthcare and technology sectors. We […]

Search for Finance Director

We have been asked to advertise the following job search: Avalara are looking for a Finance Director for a newly acquired group of companies based in Karlsuhe. The successful candidate must speak fluent German and have extensive experience of financial practices in Germany and subject matter expertise around German compliance requirements. Previous experience of US GAAP […]

In memory of 2 former committee members

ANNOUNCEMENT: It is with great sadness that we must inform our members of the passing away of Martin Pink and Ken Leigh. Both Martin and Ken were highly valued former members of our Committee, with Martin also standing as our President from 1995-1996, and both contributed greatly to the establishment and growth of the AGiG […]

Search for temporary accounting support in Munich

A UK plc is looking for interim accounting support for its subsidiary in Munich. The hands-on support would be for approximately two to three months. English-language and IFRS skilss are essential. If you are interested, please contact Adrian Ayad via Xing who will arrange for contact to the company.

100 years BCCG Conference and Gala Dinner

The British Chamber of Commerce in Germany is celebrating its 100th Anniversary this year. On 12 September 2019, the BCCG will be hosting a special conference at the British Embassy in Berlin, followed by a Gala Dinner at the Waldorf Astoria. If you are interested, please visit the BCCG website to register – www.bccg100.de Please […]

Open positions at Amazon

One of our members has asked us to post the following current job openings at Amazon on our website: Senior Financial Analyst: https://www.amazon.jobs/en/jobs/782109/senior-financial-analyst-accounting Working Student Accounting: https://www.amazon.jobs/en/jobs/997586/working-student-accounting If you are interested, please follow the links and respond directly to Amazon. Please note that AGiG is not responsible for these job offers – please contact Amazon […]

Blockchain – further information

Following the excellent and informative presentation on 16 May 2019 by Elmar Sonnenschein on Blockchain technology, Steve Swientozielskyj from CIMA has sent us a link to the CIMA website which provides further details and information on Blockchain. We provide the links in the text below. Technology is creating new opportunities for the accounting profession, and […]

Upcoming BCCG event in Hamburg

We would like to draw your attention to an interesting event being organised by the BCCG in Hamburg on 5 December. The event will be a podium discussion on Scotland’s Future Relations with Europe, with Ivan McKee, Minister for Trade, Investment and Innovation, Scottish Government as keynote speaker. For detailed event information, also about the speakers, […]

Annual European IFRS Foundation Conference

We have been requested to advertise the following Event. Please note that this is an external Event, and is not organised by the AGiG. The Annual European IFRS Foundation conference will take place on Thursday 28 and Friday, 29 June 2018 at the InterContinental Hotel in Frankfurt. Members of the UK Institutes will receive a […]